بالصور #‏مجزرة_رمسيس_الأولى‬

Egyptian security forces prepare to fire tear gas towards supporters of ousted President Mohammed Morsi during clashes on a bridge in downtown Cairo, Egypt, Monday, July 15, 2013. Thousands of supporters of deposed President Mohammed Morsi held mass rallies and marched in the streets Monday to demand his return to office. The protest turned violent in downtown Cairo as police fired tear gas at pro-Morsi protesters who burned tires, threw rocks and blocked traffic flow on a main roadway running through the heart of the capital. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

اليوم ذكرى مجزرة رمسيس الأولى والتي ارتكبها العسكر يوم 15 يوليو 2013 أثناء مسيرة سلمية للمطالبة بعودة الرئيس الشرعي محمد مرسي


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